Sunday, August 24, 2008

He Turns 3!

Ilhan turned 3 on the 22nd of August. His party this time round was kind of a rush cos we were all busy with wedding projects and my sister didn't have as much time as she did for the past 2 years but in the end, I thought there was as much food and as many door gifts and candies as there were for the last 2 birthday parties.

i'm tired and very much stuffed!

a present from aunty barcelonista

she complained she was short of time but still baked these

and prepared all of these, oh there was rosemary roasted chicken, prawn salad, popiah etc, short of time we said?

the last minute birthday cake. initially, we planned to order this thomas train cake from coffee bean but it couldn't be delivered on time and angie cake shop charged 300 bucks for a non-3D buttercream cake! ridiculous. eventually my mom, other sister and i did this till 3am in the morning!

the birthday boy table

this was my best friend. haha, while the kids played, all the adults sat in front of the telly with this candy tier and watched the Olympics.

birthday boy, cousins, aunties, uncles and me


  1. wow good job with Thomas! hahahaa maybe next time i can order the cake frm u for my Thomas-crazed cousin too. (he'll actually follow gaps btwn tiles when he walks. coz he claims he's following the "tracks".) hahaaa.

    as always, i think Ilhan celebrates his bday most fashionably for a boy his age!

  2. omgosh.. looks like the party is more for u guys than ilhan! hahha

    speaking of which he looks so big alreadyy!!! n lacking babyfat! awww! post pics of yr new (?)niece/nephew!!

  3. ok seriously...can you plan my bdae for me??? haha

  4. nori: i think my mom will charge you 400 bucks! it was so tedious! anyways, the coffee bean version is 55 bucks only but you better check with them if the whole train is a cake or something cos the full thomas cakes i saw from other vendors were 300 bucks and above!

    ili: my niece will be arriving somewhere around mid to late november? that's another party to plan for!

    nora: can! but your birthday always falls around exam period, so too bad! 2010 onwards maybe? heh.
