Friday, August 29, 2008


rarely will you be ever disappointed browsing through the pages of Horchow. their chinois pieces on display are a feast for the eye. their silver pillows & throws are as good as gold and you'd be better off checking it out yourself because i'm hardly coherent when excited! i haven't had time to explore the entire site but here are a four items which would be in my cart if...yeah IF.

i know i said previously that i wasn't fond of the butterfly motif. BUT its hard to not love the colors of the garden seat and a glass/brass combi ornament (my mother would so love this)

well it's been 3 weeks since my internship began and i've been scheduling twc matters after office hours since then. it has been QUITE tiring i must say to be working the whole day till night. working in 2 very different industries at the same time feels like living two different lives. it's strange really, but i was born a gemini, maybe that's why i find myself in such a position!

Saturday = IKEA Day. well, just for this saturday at least.

have a great weekend, really!

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