because of the coming exams, PSLE, finals, O levels, midterms, most people shortened their visiting hours this year i think! my house would still be full of relatives at 12am but we managed to close our gates and doors by 11pm instead, that's quite amazing!
anyhow - 2 sad stories to share. every raya eve, i'd go to my granduncle's house to collect this favourite kueh of mine. he passed away in december last year and it felt strange/sad not being able to do that anymore. while visiting his wife just now though, she actually passed me a box of that kueh i always collect yearly! okay, so it almost brought tears to my eyes as i recall my yearly raya eve visits. alright enough emo-ing. second story: my uncle's cat named stocking DIED. it was this huge/fat beautifully groomed persian. apparently someone stepped on it till its bladder came out. it was sent to the hospital but died eventually. ???!#@?? whoever that person is, i wish you a terrible life and a terrible death.
okay, not many pictures. i promise to take more tomorrow! to all my friends not in SG, actually only 2 la, hahaha, Selamat Hari Raya =) we will eat your rendang, lontong, sambal goreng, ayam percik portions for you. you can count on us!
i can smile because i can eat

my handsome grandfather, Hassan Dzuriat, if i can find this other picture of him, he actually looks like THE ROCK! hahaha!

with grandmama

a beautiful raya morning!

yummy curry prawns - loved every bit of this!

with the cousins and our feather fans! hahaha!

my handsome grandfather, Hassan Dzuriat, if i can find this other picture of him, he actually looks like THE ROCK! hahaha!

with grandmama

a beautiful raya morning!

yummy curry prawns - loved every bit of this!

with the cousins and our feather fans! hahaha!

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