Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Pink Parade

Baby D's shower was perfectly pink! anyhow, we're very grateful to the One up there for making the event successful. with the crazy amount of hours and effort put in, we're glad everyone enjoyed the event and free flow of free food. haha =) i wonder why the donuts weren't snapped up as fast as we predicted. oh right, cos there were 17 other dessert types?

okay enjoy the photoflood and if you're allergic to pink, you may have to skip this post.

pre-party activities

oh dear, not spared the touch of pink either

baby D's little throne

the doa session attended by close family

floral centrepieces and favours

food, glorious food

donut tower

pastries and other family food contributions displayed here

sweet treats

cookie buffet by ladies of the family

up close and personal with baulu (is that how you spell it?!), brownies, cirtus cakes, choc tartlets, jellos and lemon lust from cedele depot

as though there wasn't enough pink

so, did she even know what was going on?


and my 12hr slumber thereafter was so deserved.


  1. omg..gonna kill u..told u not to put this one!! at least put the one where i look nice :p lol

  2. but its my blog, so its impt that i look best first. HAHAHA. i look fat in the other one, sorreyyh.

  3. hi, can i know where can i find those flowers from?
