Monday, July 20, 2009

Weekend Summary

to catch up on lost hours over the week, i insisted on getting up from bed at 11ish on saturday. while the parents visited a food fair (disappointing i heard), i spent my 1 hr of saturday morning eating marks&sparks chocolate digestives and reading through Today Weekend - damn those bombers.

decided to pick up the camera and shoot the latest invites we made but cam battery died on me even before i could inspire myself with any good angles.

so anyways, while heading westside in the evening i realised queenway station doesn't exist - only queenstown. its been 5 years since those b to bv daily train rides took place! so before heading to portsdown, we thought we'd go spruce instead (it's at tanglin rd morticia - were we even close? ahhah!) since i was craving for something more than dessert. unable to locate spruce we made our way to choupinette eventually. more like finally ;)

my adventure to the west concluded with dinner at btp. towards the end i craved for familiarity and made my way to good ol' town for some book browsing! this was when i reunited with loeb classical library classics! its still on the shelves and i still do not own any!!!

someday perhaps - okay i'm going to be sleeping in the toilet tmr if i don't sleep now. its cycle no.8 out of 11 at ze bank. yuck.

a perfect weekend home


  1. perfect weekend home? it is a perfect home for both weekday and weekend

  2. true! but i thought of being lavish and own a rockin' weekend home like that on top of a better weekday one! haha =) lets meet up soon-ish. stop cocooning yourself at home. unless yours secretly looks like the one above, i'll join you!
