Versailles - it was built to impress and perhaps intimidate visitors with its grandiose architecture. simply, it was a work of art par excellence from its gardens to interiors. for us here, our task would be to include baroque architectural elements into our design concept. ornate and complex patterns and rich materials are common features of baroque style. we'd be looking to use some of these to dress up the FCG hall. however keeping in mind this is a wedding after all, we'd be looking to soften the whole look with flowing materials and fresh florals as well.
here are some decorative elements/motifs we have been looking add to include in the design for the hall. acanthus leaves or any stylized leaves, ostrich plumes and gilded ornaments! materials: velvet & silks. it's going to be tough sourcing for the right shades of teal in those materials for sure.

the above are very rough ideas, feel, motifs we hope to modify and translate onto the final board (where pics of things we're actually using is gonna be on!) for Project V. currently we have more or less settled on the dais design (will scan the sketch and share it with you on the next post perhaps?), surrounding decor of the hall (windows, pillars, large blank padded wall). we have yet to decide on the hall layout as for now but once that's done we settle on the exact centerpieces we'll be creating.
next update i'll touch on our rather ambitious interpretation of the Garden of Versailles for the buffet area!
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