Thursday, November 12, 2009

Which One Are You?

a clever fusion of contemporary & classic
via ohjoy

traditional: a true reflection of simplicity & elegance
photograph by cade martin

drama and romance
ELLE Sweden

our tip: what's your wedding going to look like? before settling on the little details like thinking how your invitation might look like, your bridal bouquet design or even the color schemes to settle on, we'll usually ask you first, how do you envision your wedding to be? put on hold the web surfing as those million ideas you come across may unnecessarily overwhelm your thoughts. once you have a clearer idea of the feel & concept you want only then would it be more resourceful to look around for ideas online and offline that can match your concept. plus there'll be more focus when developing your idea/inspiration board =)

although highly thematic weddings can be all exciting for guests, remember your wedding is a WEDDING after all, NOT a costume party. for your amusement, here were some weddings that became the latter!


  1. you know, you are THE wedding decor i'm definitely going to go for.

    i'm not getting married until 2012 but the moment i discovered you on facebook months ago, i knew!

    i actually thought about my wedding inspiration just before i read this post, about a few days ago! and i blogged about it too:

    so with regards to your question, i think i'm a mixture of the latter 2.

  2. Hi Shyanne,

    thanks for your support ;) great inspirations by the way and although 2012 might be some time away, it's always best to plan early!
