Saturday, June 27, 2009

I Recommend

laurent bernard - wessex village


  1. is it meant to have a purple tint? i went to jones the grocer again yesterday and saw the many diff blanxart chocs u were talking about in your comment on my blog haha. if u want i can buy some for you!

  2. haha okay no, that's just the lighting! yep, i wanna try the blanxart chocs! lets go there one weekend la. think i may wanna grab some other stuff from jones too.

  3. there's this chocolate shop at liat towers above borders. i forgot whats the shop name but its sold in small blocks and they have ten million flavours and combinations. should try and go! i got hazelnut gianduja and obviously, mint. sedap! they have fruit flavours, the percentages of dark chocolate, nuts, coffee range and i forgot what else.
