Wednesday, December 08, 2010


we finally moved into our new home ;) now believe it or not, we have zilch ideas (sort of) on how to conceptualize our shop/office space. i think just looking for the perfect place was mentally exhausting already.

just wondering, what would you expect a TWC shop to look like? do leave a comment - i'm really curious to know what our readers think.

in other news: pictures of our wedding last weekend will be up soon but probably next week after we finish moving into the shop space and completing 2 wedding projects this weekend. i can't wait for the year end break!!! 2010 has unveiled many surprises and unexpected changes, and i need to rest now.


  1. Exciting! Congrats on your new space! I'm so jealous - would love a store just to be able to stock it and decorate it all the time!

    Here's mmy $0.02: I think a TWC shop would look very much like a some fabulously glam parlour, with lots of pastel tones, gold accents and reflective surfaces. Crafty undertones throughout, but more marie antoinette than martha stewart.

    So did I earn myself an invitation to the decorating party? ;)

  2. haha! thanks, we were in fact considering lots of gold accents and the likes ;)

    anyways before the fun part begins, currently there's just a load of cleaning up to do unfortunately!

    don't worry, we'll be sending over an invite for the big parteeh!

  3. Loads of flowers too... I dont why but may b a mirror with an oldsch frame..

    Since you're expanding, is there any chance that you might be or would be hiring?
